How to Prepare Your Furniture and Appliances for Long-Term Storage 

Do you have too much furniture and appliances but not enough space at home? Storage units, also known as self-storage units, can be your saviour.  

These enclosed spaces are available for rent every month, providing a safe and convenient solution for storing your personal and business belongings.  

Here, we will explore why you might need long-term storage, the challenges it presents, and most importantly, how to prepare your furniture and appliances for long-term storage. 

Why You Might Need Long-Term Storage 

​​​Here are the reasons why you need long-term storage.  

  1. Home Renovation: During home renovations, storing your furniture and appliances in a storage unit keeps them safe from dust and debris. Plus, it gives your builders more space to work. 
  1. Moving to a New House: If you are moving but cannot take everything with you at once, a storage unit offers a temporary solution, reducing the stress of moving. 
  1. Regular Traveling: For those who travel often due to work, storing your items in a secure unit means you can travel without worrying about your belongings. 
  1. Free Up Space at Home: When you are running out of space at home, self-storage units come in various sizes to accommodate your extra belongings. 
  1. Emptying a Dorm: College students can store their belongings in a unit during summer breaks, avoiding the hassle of transporting everything back home. 
  1. Business Inventory: Entrepreneurs can save on office space by storing their inventory in a unit, and some facilities even offer climate-controlled storage for sensitive items. 
  1. Securing Vehicles and Equipment: Seasonal tools and vehicles can be stored safely, but different items may require special protection. 

Risks of Long-Term Storage 

The challenges and risks of long-term storage are as follows: 

Damage: Items can get scratched or dented. 

Deterioration: Wood can warp, and fabric may Mold. 

Theft: Valuables can be targeted.  

Moisture: Excessive humidity harms materials. 

Pest Infestation: Rodents and insects can damage items. 

Inadequate Packaging: Poor packing can lead to scratches and breakage. 

Neglect: Stored items may require maintenance. 

Forgotten Items: It is easy to lose track of what is in storage. 

Choosing the Right Storage Unit 

When considering long-term storage, here are some important factors to keep in mind: 

  • Location: Opt for a facility that is conveniently located for you. 
  • Size: Choose a unit size that can accommodate your belongings (check out sizes ranging from 4.5sqm to 36sqm). 
  • Price: Compare prices among facilities to find the best value. 
  • Moisture Control: For items sensitive to humidity and temperature, select a moisture-controlled unit. Furniture protection from dampness in storage involves using moisture-absorbing products and securely wrapping it in plastic covers. 
  • Accessibility: Consider how convenient it is to access the unit when necessary. 
  • Insurance: Look for facilities that offer insurance coverage for added protection. 

Range of Appliance Storage Units  

Explore our range of appliance storage units, from 4.5sqm to 36sqm, at Big Storage. These units can securely accommodate furniture, appliances, electronics, personal items, business inventory, vehicles, and more, making them an ideal solution for your storage requirements. 

Packing Tips for Long-Term Storage 

To prepare furniture for long-term storage, clean it, disassemble if possible, and wrap it in protective materials, while elevating it to avoid contact with the ground. Let us discuss such more packing tips:  

  1. Declutter: Before packing, take the time to declutter. Sell, donate, or discard items you no longer require, simplifying the process. 
  1. Inventory List: Create a detailed inventory list to help you easily locate items in the future. ​​Organising long-term storage is best achieved by creating an inventory list, utilizing ​​labelled boxes, and ​​optimising space with shelves or racks. 
  1. Use the Right Materials: Opt for durable boxes and consider plastic bins to protect against moisture. Wrap electronics in old clothes or sheets and elevate furniture to allow for airflow. 
  1. Cover Unboxed Items: For items like furniture and appliances that are not in boxes, cover them with blankets, large cloths, or plastic sheets. When storing appliances, ensure​​ they are cleaned, cords are disconnected, ​​they are wrapped for protection, and they are stored elevated to prevent moisture damage. 
  1. Consider Big Storage: Big Storage offers moving and packing supplies to help you choose the correct materials for your storage needs. 


Preparing your furniture and appliances for long-term storage is crucial to ensure they remain safe and well-preserved. Whether ​​you are facing a major life change or simply need more space, a storage unit can be an invaluable solution.  

Remember to choose the right storage facility, pack carefully, and consider Big Storage for your long-term storage needs. Take action today to keep your belongings secure and protected. Contact us for more information.